
Second annual

Ugly Bleacher contest

2024 winner

Congratulations to THIS Year's WInner

We spent a lot of time sifting through submissions and going through the voting process and we had three amazing winners come through with flying colours. With nearly 8,000 votes cast this year, it took a lot to be crowned the winner, and with that we are proud to announce that this year’s First Place Winner of a new bleacher is:

Spiritwood Area Recreation in Spiritwood, Saskatchewan!

With the aptly-named “Bleacher Benches” bleacher, this was a set of old, banged-up wooden bleachers at a local ball diamond. With an overwhelming 3,800 votes, “Bleacher Benches”  was the unanimous winner of this year’s contest!


The new bleachers are slated for delivery later this summer and we’ll be sure to post up pictures from the event for everyone to see.

We’re still working on figuring out both the second and third place prize winners. If you happen to have a voicemail from a member of our team, make sure to return our call!

building better bleachers

If you can dream it, we can build it.

Endless solutions
for all seating needs

Built on-time
and on-budget

code compliant
and accessible